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Magical Transformative Reading
Magical 心靈轉化占卜

Memories from India





本店有兩種占卜形式,3-4題式的心靈占卜及30分鐘的占卜轉化療癒,兩者都想讓大家明白,我們的生命絕對是能掌握、能改變的🥰🙏🏻 在於你的想法、心念、行動力


✨ 一狀況心靈占卜服務 ✨


🔮 服務內容:





網上優惠 HKD 250 / 同一主題3 -4題 ,若需即日加急,另加$100。






30分鐘預約占卜,是一個深層有轉化療癒能量的占卜,在諮詢過程裏已經能為你鬆開療癒一些心結,讓你想得通放下執着,更有效地為你的結果希望帶來正面的轉化。HKD 580/30分鐘,超時按比例計



If you’re looking for a quick answer reading,

Online Exclusive HKD 250 big picture is perfect for you! It’s a remote service that fits into your busy schedule—just tell me your situation, send in your questions, and you’ll receive a response within three days. Need it sooner? We offer an same day reading for an additional HKD100. This is a great choice if you have small questions or need some broader guidance. Remember, if you follow the advice, you have the power to create positive change!


For a deeper experience, our 30-minute appointment reading offers transformational healing energy. During the session, we’ll work together to help you release emotional knots, so you can let go of attachments and pave the way for positive transformations in your life.






原因是,每一刻都在變,每一個決定行動會影響結果的話,不如把重點放在 - 怎樣做最適合、怎樣做可變得更好 (沒有最好,只有更好)




Intuitive Reading has been our most popular service over the past six years, I am going to modify the purpose of the reading from predicting, releasing emotion and being your listener, to 1. guiding you back to the truth at the moment 2. giving you back the power you could have owned 3 and transformating to a abundance result. 

It’s never about whether it will be success, it’s about how you can succeed

It’s no about whether you will be dumped, its about how you can handle your relationship with self esteem, so the relationship can evolve with you

It’s not about when you can have tons of money, it’s about how to manifest wealth, what is blocking you and how you should shift your perspective


Don’t give away your valuable power by asking me / the universe how other think of you, and how it will turn out

Let us shift these all to, how you can really take control and responsibility of your life

SOOO you can turn your life to around! This is the power and potential we all own and are gifted by the universe. 


所以 若你的問題,全部以預測為主,例如 “五年 十年後的我會怎樣一有沒有甚麼大事發生?” 這沒有甚麼意義;



3個月內/甚麼時候能拍拖? 這太被動,也沒有甚麼意思。你可改為 “ 我想拍拖,我可以如何增加戀愛運”




轉工的,不再只是 會不會請你,若機會ok、一段,可看如果增大成功機會,還是改變方向



1. 你已有一個想法,來找我幫你看看,可如何調節想法、阻礙在那、有任何事可做、宇宙解議

  1. 你有困局,如感情關係、可幫你看兩人關係,不一定是再看近來會怎樣,而是怎樣去改善,或處理這狀況

  2. 有情緒混亂,人生方向亂了,看不到自己的,來讓你重新回到人生軌道,但你要願意努力。

  3. 人生有不再舒服、適用的現況,過得不舒服,想改變,人生身心靈蛻變






You can have a beautiful, calm and blissful life, if you are willing to change. 

We can’t stop chanting, because the world never stops. 

Memories from India

What I offer during our consultation / reading ? and What is special about my style.

I'd say I am not a fortunate teller nor psychic, I do not just predict your future. 

I mixed the technique of card reading, channeling, coaching and therapy into to guide you back to your heart and your present, to provide you a method and solution to a better future, and empower you to be a loving version of yourself. 


我的咨詢服務是集合了 直覺占卜​、Channeling、藝術心理、情緒管理及Coaching的技巧,我不會重點為你「預知未來」,但我能夠引導你回到當下,回到內心,讓你能夠找到令你人生變得更好,讓你重回愛自己的路上。

Memories from India


I do my reading and consultation in an intuitive way, with various of decks, tarot cards, oracle cards, angel cards, osho and goddess decks etc

Therefore, there is no specific "time limit" for the result, it might or might not change after 1-3 months, because it all about whether you are doing something to change your pattern OR the situation you asked are quite steady. 

If you are asking something about getting back to your ex, but you did not do any action , the result might remain the same after 3 months, vice versa if you make a bold move after the reading next day, definitely the result is gonna change positive if you followed the divine guidance.





Memories from India


What can you ask?


I would say anything that is important or that is bothering you. Or when you are very emotional and vulnerable


Your Love Life / Career / Finance / Personal Growth / Health/ Family / Spiritual Growth / Emotional issues / Mental Health 


關於 愛情、人生轉變、健康、事業、金錢、個人成長、靈性心靈成長等等也可

I provide my service online and offline, from face to face to phone call / whatsapp voice message. And there is no different. 

Why? and How this works?

I do my reading through spiritual connection, and with your permission of reading your energy, we do not need your full name, date of birth and pictures, it's all about heart to heart connection and with the divine. 

Just choose what it's suitable for you, some people prefer voice messages, so they can stay relax at home and also listen to the voice messages again like a healing podcas; while some people love to meet face to face so they can say whatever they want freely. 





​有些人喜歡面談,有些人卻喜歡在家舒服的訊息錄音占卜、有些工作忙碌的喜歡lunch time電話占卜、有些有時差在外地的喜歡留下問題,我給他們報告,讓他們有時間才看慢慢沉澱消化。

1. 網上占卜優惠 HKD 250 1 狀況3-4題




3天內補問 HKD 80/題

​即日回覆 +HKD 100

2. 預約時間 在Selflove Jan Studio面對面占卜、電話、即時訊息文字錄音對話


包括愛情咨詢 /創業轉工建議/靈性發展

健康金錢 /人生方向 各方面疑慮

HKD 580/30分鐘、超時按比例計算

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