Course& Workshop
Selflove_jan 創辦人 Jan(Shamanic name- Guardian of love)
自少便”迷信”中西式的靈性系統,在傳統教育的女校裡的失敗,積累了不少傷痕;在雙生火焰的出現,成長過程中的靈異事件插曲,經歷過行屍走肉情緒失控的日子。逃離了香港,去到自由的國家,在慢活的節奏-另一套教學方法下學習Art與Fashion marketing (卻偷偷花更多心機上瑜伽與塔羅堂買水晶)沒有了指責批評,換來讚賞與重生的自信,亦尋回在前世美國薩滿原住民的靈魂經歷,終於找到了適合的身心靈工具,遇上了很多有緣人,正式踏上了身心靈療癒與瑜伽修行之旅
希望透過自身經歷能療癒你受傷的心 令你重新相信愛情愛自己,也希望能慢慢將藝術fashion and beauty連同wellness and spiritual帶入日常生活裡。
療癒工具: 薩滿療癒 直覺占卜 天使療癒IET 前世今生 女神療癒 解夢Reiki Master 情緒藝術治療
小班教學 會有break 可帶同水晶協助能量
課程跟據個人風格與經歷與經驗滲透落靈性當中編制的,因為每個人都是獨特,一個方法不能教會所有人,所以課程以creative based approach,望每位同學都能找到自己靈性方式適合自己的工具。課堂裡會提供筆記,但不用死背死記,因為我自己是在傳統教學方法感到壓力,故此大家在身心靈裡能用創新輕鬆方法學習。學習真的不用辛苦與複雜,靈性方法若是繁複,我們越不願花時間練習。正面輕鬆不批判的學習方式才能令我們有心繼續進步,簡單淺白的課堂才能在日常生活中運用。最希望能傳達的是靈性工具是協助,真正能的改變實相的是我們的想法和行動。
Jan (Guardian of love)
My Spiritual Journey
I was always curious about astrology, horror stories and tarot card when I was small. I had my first tarot card reading when I was 17, until I met my Twin Flame, my spiritual journey has officially started.
I have had my moments, dealing with the sadness and hopeless emotional trauma. Fortunately, I got a chance to escape from my reality-Hong Kong.
I spent time on myself to refocus and go deeper into the inner journey.
I had my first tarot card and yoga class in United States while I was supposed to be studying for fashion marketing haha. I experienced the Shamanic culture and found where my soul belongs to near one of the vortexes.
I am so grateful and thankful to have a chance to be a reader, healer and shamanic practitioner and art therapy practitioner.
I hope I can give you guidance and love, so you can trust again.
My latest goal is to merge art, fashion and beauty with wellness & spiritual, to bring them into our daily practice. Fashion is a form of art, art can change the world, so as the wellness trend. Together we can make some changes.
Specialized in Twin Flame +Love and Relationship+ Self love Healing
Service-Card Reading, Angelic Healing, Reiki, Past Life Regression and Shamanic Soul Healing, Dream Analysis &Healing and Art therapy.