Integrated Energy Therapy (IET )
你有經歷過這種無法改變/ 無力改變的狀況嗎?都市人大多數也積累了不少情緒壓力包袱,童年原生家庭、愛情事業、健康/照顧患病者等問題或失敗經歷;有的是已知的,有的以為放下了,有的甚至沒察覺。在任何角度上,情緒其實是必要定期清走的,小至改變性格行為,嚴重的會引致情緒病。
IET是一套全面的情緒創傷療癒系統,過程中,特別喜歡與天使團隊同步合作,IET 特別之處是療癒過程中你可能會沒有感覺,因為天使不想你再受苦!這套工具以接觸身體某些能量點,或是遙距使用公仔代替去進行療癒,清理過程會幫你清去痛苦情緒,清去積落的負面印記潛意識,加入正面信念和印記。排毒反應最多是情緒或一點點身體反應,反之!是令你輕鬆開心,樣子也會變得精神懂得笑😍 再過一陣子,你會回想,原來我想法信念改變了,人變得隨心快樂🥰這是IET 特別之處,也像做人真的覺悟了。
1.情緒信念大清洗(1-1.5hours) Price : HKD 1500
2.如有需要-靈魂之星激活+靈性任務訊息+願景圖許願+移除人事障礙 (extra 20-30mins) +HKD 500
適合人選:所有人 能多次做 可幫人報名
Integrated Energy Therapy is a soft but deep healing system led by Angel Ariel team, it’s suitable for everyone which includes children, elderly and pet.
It’s good for releasing emotional trauma like guilt, shame and fear, then to imprint some new energy such as freedom, safety and ease. After the clearing, you could add part 2 if you feel like you needed to connect with your soul mission and to create a visual vision board.
I like working with the angelic team a lot, they said you might not purge during or after the session because they do not want us to suffer and experience the pain again.
Part 1 - emotional trauma clearing + imprinting new energy and blessing HKD 1500
Part2- connect to your soul star for soul mission activation+ visual vision board(extra 20mins) +HKD 500
When your outside world is chaotic like sky fall, and there are too much to handle.
Try to shift your thought inward, your mind is very powerful, like this client she used 1-2 hours and like a miracle the situation has changed the next day.
那天她非常緊急找我做占卜,那時她感情鑽入了一個loop, 反而我說,我們可問一條關於男朋友約會日的問題,然後他會不會消失嘈交、甚至溝通等等也不問,而是去看 到底你要學懂怎樣去轉換想法,讓事情有出口。
現在實相裡 與男朋友關係好差 當天嘈交了
那不如 她不著眼去 想著明天約會成功與否、不想著過去誰傷了誰。
而是你去重新明白 與這男生一起是因為我愛佢,著眼在愛的本身,而非所有過去及外在事情。
Part of her souls is still wounded, makes it harder for her not to be triggered. During our consultation, I tried to guide her thinking about the love she has for her boyfriend instead of what he has done and whether their date night still on the next day.
就是這樣,她柔和了,約會就在第二天,不只是成功,不用道歉沒有和解,男朋友自然無事了,約會甜蜜度餐廳的gift等等約當天感覺昇華得像紀念日/慶祝,男朋友也突然說「你看看你今天不同了,我們的待遇都變得好」然後也有一個我都surprise 的結局😍他們兩日一夜都沒有吵架,以前他們都會有不愉快經歷/結尾💕🎀
Magic actually don’t come from the universe , the most powerful magic is from your mind 💕 she didn’t try to fix the situation and the broken part after their fight, but she focus on herself and love, an romantic celebration was manifested naturally from love
希望你也能自己提醒自己❤️ 或許有緣下會有身邊人說了幾句話讓你叮一叮的moment 💕