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About Janet Wong (Jan)
I discovered Tarot and Vinyasa yoga while studying art and fashion in the US, during a difficult time in my life. Heartbroken and struggling to find happiness, these practices saved me. It’s not about superstition or religion—it’s about opening your heart to love and being loved.
After exploring Angelic & Reiki Healing and Shamanic Heart Healing, I visited Sedona, where I felt a deep connection to Native American tribes and nature. This connection led me to India, where I embraced simple village life and completed my Ashtanga and Vinyasa teacher training in Rishikesh, the yoga capital. Later, I traveled to Nepal for an Eat Pray Love journey, which deepened my understanding of Hinduism, Tibetan, and Nepalese Shamanic cultures.
I now run a spiritual studio in Hong Kong, blending my creative background with yogic teachings. I love creating soulful memories and stories with others.
Drawing from my experiences, I specialize in breaking free from traditional frameworks and using intuition to innovate. My mission is to guide others toward a freer and more fulfilling life, away from societal pressures. I want to help you unlock your soul’s full potential, heal from life’s challenges, and become a magic maker. Together, we’ll rewrite your story through self-love and healing, and I’ll walk with you on this journey of self-discovery and transformation.
Most of my services/courses are available online and
in person❤️sacred products ship globally 🌏
Service - Shamanic Healing, Shamanic Sound Journey, Magical Transformation Card Reading, Energy Healing, Past Life Healing
Courses - Yoga Energy Flow 1-1/ Group, Shamanic Healing, Energy Healing
Products- Sacred Objects, Crystals, Clothes from all over the world, esp Nepal, India & Tibet
帶著高敏的身軀來到地球 在非常保護我的家庭長大 小學成績品行好 不用怎樣溫書,閒時看看星座書、亦因緣淺嘗到佛經。
直到中學時 上天鋪排了一段尋找自我之旅 考入了傳統教育的女校 在成績、個人成長、初嚐愛情時 經歷了好多內心與外在的煎熬也遇上靈體問題 一開始感到無路可走 無人明白 大學時 上天再次打開了一對門 在我感知到這個機會前 先讓我的情緒炸彈爆煲-遇上雙生火焰 每一刻都好痛苦 我忘了快樂是甚麼 那段時間我開始找不到活下去的力量;靈性種子卻在慢慢發芽
在art school裡讀fashion marketing的我 在藝術的薰陶下 找到了將痛苦外化的方法。留學間因長期抑鬱接觸了瑜伽和直覺塔羅。 美國文化與藝術 改變了我的思維、人生 培養了創意與美感 變得獨立及相信自己 開始在世界靈魂遊歷 回到前世生活過的地方去憶起連結 在北美原住民聖地深深感受到大自然宏偉的那份感觸後 在香港繼續學習天使能量療癒、藝術心理治癒課、薩滿之心課程。在尼泊爾薩滿教導下學習尊師重道、敬重祖先、部落與印度教的文化;在印度喜馬拉雅山區的瑜伽老師訓練課與靈魂蛻變經歷 讓我嚐到純樸簡單的村落大自然、看到藏人們山上生活 明白到何謂瑜伽思想、用另一角度體驗愛、人生真諦是不追求 不強行改變 回歸到最真最自然的身心靈契合
集結我的遊歷體驗,我最擅長將傳統的框架打破 運用直覺式的方法 重新結合去創新 我希望能引領大家活得輕鬆自在 脫離生命的苦與社會制約 打開你靈魂最大的潛能 明白到生活上所有的困難創傷都能療癒 成為magic maker改寫人生在愛自己 自我療癒的旅程我與你同行
服務: 薩滿療癒 聲音旅程 情緒藝術治療 靈氣能量療癒 直覺占卜 天使療癒IET 前世解讀 解夢 祖先家族療癒 空間清理超渡 Spiritual Styling 設有瑜伽、靈性課堂 及薩滿療癒工作坊 Inner Yoga -Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga 售賣來自世界各地的聖物水晶能量產品