由係媽媽肚裡已經是敏感體質🙈 然後第一次有意識的遇到特別事件應該是4/5歲到,不過一直沒有察覺。上次分享過瀕死,今次分享點mysterious 但不直接是靈異事件。關於結界其實我也沒有太專業的知識 感受經驗 高我傳授知識為主。自己設立的神聖空間/ 保護罩 也像結界。不受外來能量/時間控制 ,所以好多時朋友來工作室聚會/找我聊天療癒也會超時很多。因為隔絕/感受不了時空也舒服可以放開自己。
所以想提醒大家 屋企有壇 大與少也可以 便可保護淨化。
好像未詳細寫過。當時是驚訝的 在外國某小島自己旅行 。一早起來去小島睇日出 早上行過一條小橋15-20分鐘便到沙灘;過了悠長的一天後離開 要行去搭車返市區,15-20分鐘回程越行越熱同暈暈地,然後口渴又累,發覺旅行小島街上沒有人 沒有車。我還想 噢!小島人早回家 吧。熱到用毛巾擋頭,開☂️時 再過一段時間天氣回復正常,不過份熱。有人有車,我走到車站隔壁coffee shop休息。因為理應大把時間,可是飲過水後,一望鐘15-20 分鐘時間 用了一個多小時😅 即時非常驚訝,跑去趕車。時間像流失了,用心回想,我沒有停下來休息,驚覺剛才在小橋路程有點像鬼魅 虛幻空間。沒有太多嘈音、沒有人與車 ,自己像重重複複的向前行,走極也走不出,身體亦辛苦 意智有點迷,誤以為中暑。
最後不知道是神秘佑還是甚麼 但能走回現實世界中,事後那幾天是繼續時運低 有靈異事件😂
A mysterious sharing when I was in vacation alone. I went to an island to watch the sunrise and spent my afternoon enjoying the beach. At first, I spent 15-20 mins to walk from the bus station to the island. It was a strange return trip when I had to spend more than an hour in a 15-20mins route.
I was exhausting and the weather was like burning. I kept walking without any stop and noticed that there was no car or anyone nearby. Suddenly the weather became normal and I saw some people walking nearby, so I went in to a coffee shop so I could kill some time. I was shocked that I spent more Egan an hour, then I realized the trip was a bit weird like I was trapped in time or in another dimension. Now I’m sure my energy level was super low at that time, cuz there were several things happened the following day.