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Shamanic gem amulet - long term protection from all kind of negatives

為你抵擋各方面負能量 (小人是非、來自他人的負面情緒、病氣、靈體靈性攻擊)
Shield 🛡️ from gossips, energy vampires, sickness, psychic attacks and entities.

服務有三個部份,為你完整的檢查清理氣場a💪🏻 讓你保持身心靈健康、快樂,活得輕鬆自在🙏🏻 適合特別日子、特定地方上班、平日的能量防護🕉️

Aura (Energy field ) + your current crystal protection checking
Energy cleansing and tuning, activating your connection with the gem amulet
3️⃣薩滿儀式 - 製作薩滿寶石護身符 💎
Shamanic ritual for gem amulet 🥁
你可以提供平日佩戴/ 袋在身上的水晶,可以是頸鏈戒指手串、小石仔放在袋子裏
You may bring your protective crystals / jewelry, pebble or purchase at selflove Jan
Price starting from

We provide distance service, you would need to provide a recent photo ( very recent like in these few days), and a video of your sacred object, we would also send you a photo report after the ritual is casted.

若你定期保養,使用Selflove Jan
特別能量保養方法,能量會更long lasting
The protection will last long if you maintain the energy with care from our specific purification instructions.
Do make a reservation again if the energy if the gem amulet is not as strong.

We provide follow up checking for your amulet, to see if another ritual is needed.

Energy Exchange : HKD 555
All right reserved by Selflove Jan 🙏🏻🪬

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