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藏傳佛教尼泊爾 Tibetian Buddhism Prayer Wheel

藏傳佛教尼泊爾 Tibetian Buddhism Prayer Wheel


轉經輪的其中一個作用是將經文迴向給別人。除了你認識的人,你遇上的陌生有緣人可以、新聞上的亦可🐋 我建議可多迴向給自己再迴向給別人💕💕

Self healing and send healing energy to those who needed love 💕🙏🏻


這些桌上轉經輪更是未出post, 大家已上來帶走了。


有人是買來送給其他人,願他們能有工具幫到自己、有的是想開始為己為人積德、亦有的已常自發性迴向🪷🌹🌷 好多人都好喜歡甚麼轉到好好玩😍 留意還有迷你頸鏈款,也有座枱款,都有經文在內,三重能量,轉又得,唔轉都有能量坐鎮💪🏻


沒有轉經輪的也開始聽佛經/mantra音樂開始❤️🪷 讓柔和的高頻旋律療癒你生命🙏🏻

在尼泊爾手工精細的轉經輪 作收藏及靈性工具,有antique、特厚尼泊爾經文、細緻的手工及銅物料😍

用作祝福自己、家人愛人、以及有需要的人,這樣就不怕你不懂唸經,又不怕唸錯發音,仲可以得閒就fing fing下😃


銅製收藏級 Copper

Table style 座枱裝飾款 XS-L from $588-1288

圖中的是M $688

手拎fing fing款

XL 特大款 HKD 1688

L大棒棒 HKD 1288

M中棒棒 HKD 988

M小中😂HKD 888

XS with stone HKD 388

現在仍是結緣價,他們的能量手工價值完全是起碼一倍🙏🏻 (之後再訂不是off season 亦會貴返)




能量保護❤️❣️ 轉完迴向積下更大功德🙏🏻

🪷Om Mani Padme Hum🙏🏻

Prayer Wheel from Nepal - Tibet

It is a great and powerful tools in Tibetan culture, spinning the wheel to send blessing to all the beings, to help and purify their karma. It actually is a greatest act in humanity in Buddhism❤️

In my spiritual understanding, it’s not just about the religion, it can also be the soothing energy, that heal us, heal our heart and purify our souls❤️ to understand life, to accept light and dark, to bring balance to our would and our life.

I’m really glad that most of you told me that you are really happy on using them, spinning and especially you are sharing the love with your friends as gifts and also praying for those who needed that🥹🙏🏻 THANK YOU THANK YOU AND THANK YOU🙏🏻

Thanks for also giving me a feedback that you can feel the strong power with it🙏🏻 please keep being kind 🥰 you will be loved 🌷 the universe always have your back 💜💪🏻👍🏻

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