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美人魚療癒 mermaid healing

美人魚療癒 mermaid healing


美人魚給予人美麗溫柔感覺 但其實每位美人魚女神的能量是剛強且各有特性 美人魚療癒 可以說是百搭 療癒你心態 思想 子宮 從而能改善 情緒 金錢 愛情 人生 靈性問題 為你洗去生命傷口 放下恐懼 不再迷失 迎接新開始 力量 重新重生 帶來高頻率正能量的好人好事 不再沉淪在負能量世界 適合對象: 人生際遇不停重複 累了想再重生機會有創傷 愛情痛 人生低谷 想放棄 沒希望 💜🧜🏻‍♀️🧜🏻🧜🏻‍♂️🧜🏻‍♂️💕 會根據個案狀況找尋適合美人魚女神作療癒 同金錢有關,愛情有關亦有同人生方向有關 $450

  • English

    Mermaid Goddess Healing It would be a healing for you if you are experiencing and dealing emotional trauma, depression, break up, and you are hopeless that wanted to give up on life. I will be working with mermaid and goddesses to send you energy that can help you with - Health issue - Love and relationship - Money and career - Spiritual lost So you can have a fresh new start and have faith again

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