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You are sexy with class Collection - Amethyst Earrings

You are sexy with class Collection - Amethyst Earrings


You are sexy with class Collection

Earrings for love, wisdom, self worth and femininity

Rose quartz, Moon Stone, Rhodochrosite

Amethyst ( in other style )

All $208 / with amethyst bangle $388


紫晶能量 柔和舒服


都不會desperately 為你吸愛吸財 反而是調整個人空間能量

紫水晶 是石英的一種

在日本稱為能量之石 在歐洲稱為愛神Venus之眼

具有將能量凝聚的效果 聚財 穩財

在愛情上 紫水晶是西方國家 「愛的守護石」

能幫助情侶夫婦增加愛意 深度交流溝通


靈性上 有助思考力 靈性發展

紫水晶也有保護,驅邪 淨化負能量的功效

對應頂輪 提升專注力 帶來創造力

Don’t beg to be seen or love, to radiant love 💗

To radiant love and confidence💓 to feel beautiful and sexy

當你自身散發愛的氣場與自信,穿上自己喜愛的衣服,你就自然有自信,you feel sexy, instead of “try to be sexy”



You are the most attractive when you love yourself -

wear them

👫for date to feel nice and sweet

💻for work / meeting to feel confident or when you have to give a speech or presentation

💃for party when you need connections or to meet new friends or “the one”

Raw Amethyst

It is a very common and sacred stone through out the history.
In Japan, it represents energy and power

In Europe, it is an eye of Venus

I would say they are the Guardian of love and prosperity

It can help you with coagulation and spiritual growth

It brings you protection and purity

It resonates with crown chakra for concentration

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