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靈氣 會針對一個情況/主題去揀選適合你的靈氣

可清理及修補問題 以雙手為你直接/遙距傳送氣及能量球

有機會過程中身體感到能量傳送 如頭痛心痛

完成後也有機會有排毒問題 轉化時間因人而已



人們總是有傷害自己的傾向 為了討好別人 忘記/委屈了自己

又或是社會的教育 被別人讚賞感到尷尬 然後想踩低自己

總是看到自己要改善的地方或缺點 而從不讚自己


然後重新輸入能量 作轉化  學懂欣賞自己為自己而活

-靈魂伴侶靈氣 為靈魂伴侶而設 情人/朋友/家人也適用

改善兩人之間的問題 和好如初 關係變得更好更成熟

可以特別為你改善兩人之間的障礙/問題 為你清除




我們常因為恐懼而卻步 以致開不了口 向前走不了


靈氣會為你消除你假想的問題 帶來勇氣向前衝



有留意開的話 有時會見我提及男女性能量平衡的重要

自己內在 與伴侶 雙生火焰更需要



男性能量過多 可能令你火爆 衝動

男性能量平衡 能令你獨當一面與果斷

女性能量過多 令你情緒化 胡思亂想

女性能量平衡 你冷靜擁有智慧





不平衡可能會經常爭執/關係停濟 等等



雙生火焰 divine feminine 代表著女性能量

Divine Masculine 代表著男性能量



大家為了愛情的努力 而達至能量平衡

便是宇宙最想見到的 因為你們的努力能夠改變整個collective能量




-Love flow Reiki 


我們要先學懂愛自己 無條件的愛與真愛 才能懂得跟別人戀愛 


能夠為兩人關係帶來淨化 回到最純正沒雜質雜念的愛情

帶來甜蜜與和諧 令兩人關係帶穩定性 





讓你能感受看到自己的美 滿意自己

從而散發出自信的頻率 迎來好人好事發生



人們常有放不下的問題 放不下便是執著執念



久而久之 變成了我們前進不了的障礙 

這靈氣 能幫助你放下 因為放下不等於放手放棄

放下了 才能有新開始  迎來美滿

  • English

    -Reiki,  A method to channel the chi and energy from the universe, to help and clear your current issues, in order to make your life and emotion better.

    -Self Love ReikiIt is a common topic for everyone, that we always unintentionally hurt ourselves, when we try to please others. We need to prioritize ourselves in the first spot, and think of ourselves before others. We also need to learn loving ourselves by complimenting ourselves literally everyday! Think of the good beautiful aspects we have instead of the bad habits. This reiki can help you to finally let go of all the wound we have on us, and transform them to what you want to manifest in the new beginning.

    -Balancing feminine and masculine energy is our all time learning.
    It’s important for the relationship with self and others.
    If your masculine energy is overactive, you are most likely to be grumpy and having control issue 
    If it’s balanced, you can be decisive and ambitious 

    If your feminine energy is overactive, you are more likely to be emotional and overthinking a lot 
    If it’s balanced, you are wiser and calm
    It’s also related to couple and twin flame relationship.
    If it isn’t balanced, you two might argue a lot and the relationship isn’t going anywhere 

    If it’s balanced, it would be stable and leading to a next level 
    More important for twin flame 
    Divine feminine and Divine masculine represent the extreme alternative energy
    That’s why the relationship is crazily hard to maintain 
    So we need to put extra effort with caution to maintain 
    You might eventually reach the union with yourself or your twin

    --Soulmate reiki can help you to improve all the relationships you have with everyone, your lover, friends, colleagues and family members etc.

    We have a lot of soulmates, and the people who have close relationship or connection with you are mostly your soulmates.

    This reiki can help you to bring back the love and harmony between you two, possible to also clear the fight you two have had before, so you can be close again.


    -Fear is one of the factors in life that keep you from success, when you are afraid to step forward, you might never be able to achieve a goal, a person you love and step out of something or someone you hate. Too scared of something or someone is actually very posion, it will affect you emotion and life decision, therefore it is importance to just do it with our gut! The reiki can help you remove the blockage you have in real life and also the fear you have inside.


    -Love flow reiki is a very powerful tool for relationship healing.
    It will first help you to purify your individual love level, to be cxxxx for love 
    Then the harmonized energy can enter your relationship to feel the unconditional love inside and the relationship can be stable.

    -Attractiveness and confidence reiki It is also a reiki about self love, suitable for who is in love or single It can raise your confidence by enhancing your inner beauty and feeling good about yourself When your frequency is high and pretty enough, and let other people to be attracted by you.

    --Letting go and manifesting reiki We human always have something or someone that we can’t let go of. Those will become a burden that holding us. Therefore, we need to constantly let go of things that don’t serve us, so we can manifest a new love, a new project and new life. This reiki can help you to let go of the past and manifest a new opportunity.

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