Moss agate angel
聖誕系列Moss agate (右搵到主人了)擁有聖誕樹顏色 與大地之母有連結他能量溫柔 有平衡情緒作用這個季節來得適合 因為他也象徵新開始也與愛自己 表達自己有關 亦有療癒疾病發炎類幫忙 親身用過炎症有點好轉🥰哈哈 12.21後 昨天我也表達了 平衡了聖誕小天使$220
English Info.
What a good season to promote the benefit of moss agate, It connects with the nature and represents new beginning🎄I got my first stone last year, it helps you to balance your emotions and ground yourself. It could specially teach you the beauty of self love and self care, to speak for yourself and express your feeling. It is good for anti inflammatory and other health issues. Xmas angel -$220