獨角獸願望牌 獨角獸是第七維度的神獸 代表純潔 守護和祝福人們 生命之花是一個靈性很深的符號 能讓能量頻率轉化和淨化 防止干擾 可選擇金錢/愛情/健康/祝福 在背後寫上願望 掛在常見的位置/門後 助你願望誠真 Unicorn x flower of life wishing ema Unicorns live in the 7th dimension, they are pure and innocent Flower of life is spiritual symbols that could transform vibration and energy as your protection Using unicorn and flower of life as a combination could protect you from negative energy and bringing you hope. You can place them near your bed like dream catcher and also a wishing ema